Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Retro Movie Review: Yojimbo 10/10

When one watches this movie for the first time its easy to be look at it and go "huh, I am see all of this before." Well, thats because you have. Yojimbo is one of the most revered and influential movies ever. Mifune of course is fantastic, as he always is, and I am sure the "man with no name" plot is not original with Yojimbo, however, it is the movie is most thought of as inspiring all of the others that came after. Movies, frankly, just don't get better than this one. The film techniques are amazing, and the plot and dialogue is fantastic. The acting is spot on as well, with not just Mifune shining. The plot might be most recognized in the Clint Eastwood-Sergio Leone classic spaghetti western "A fistful of Dollars." There is a good reason for this as Kurosawa successfully sued Leone for ripping off his movie. Everyone who appreciates good film should see this movie. YES it is in black and white, YES it is subtitled, and unfortunately many people have a problem watching black and white films and watching subtitled films. However, this is one of the greats of all time, and you owe it to yourselves to get over this hitch and watch. It is currently available on Netflix streaming.

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