Saturday, May 16, 2009

Movie Review In Bruges 9/10

This is a beautifully acted, directed, and filmed movie, but the real strength of this film is the excellent script. Movies this well written don't come along that often. Normally I am not that bit a fan of Colin Farrell, in fact I really think that he has tossed up some stinking piles of dung in his acting career, but here he is masterful playing of Brendan Gleeson's calmer character wonderfully. For some reason, Farrell just seemed so much more natural and comfortable in this role, and I think honestly its because he gets to be an Irish guy, essentially getting to act with his native accent. Its funny how as American's most of the time we praise American actors when they pick up a foreign dialect, but we hardly ever appreciate when a foreign actor flawlessly pulls of an American accent. Back to the subject at hand, the story is masterful, making you feel a wide range of emotion, while connecting with the characters in a personal manner, and sometimes in very odd ways considering they are in fact hit men. Ralph Fiennes is both disturbing and scary in his role as Harry, and its a performance worth watching. If you haven't seen it and enjoy dark comedy and compelling stories go out and rent it tonight.

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