Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Top Five Most Hated Sports Teams

You know people always assume that I hate the Cubs because I am an extreme Cardinals fan. The truth is I don't really hate the Cubs. I don't particularly like their fans, and I think their booing and heckling gets a little old, but hey they can do what they want. They are only hurting themselves anyway, which is why they have some issues getting some free agents to sign there. But the point is I still don't hate the Cubs. As it is its sort of a one sided rivalry anyway. However, there are some sports teams I really do hate. And I have decided to list them here in no particular order from least hated to worst hated.

5. The Dallas Cowboys- I have always hated the Dallas Cowboys. I don't really have a reason, I just hate them. I hate the "America's Team" label and I hate Jerry Jones. They are just a very hateable team. I do root for Felix Jones to do well, but if I could wish for him to have a monster season and them to go 0-16 I would would be ok with that.

4. Milwaukee Brewers- This is more of a I hate them now situation rather than one of long term despise. I think for the most part they operate in a completely unprofessional manner, and they are a team in a bad need of a veteran leader. Most of this teams problems are because they are led by Ryan Braun and Prince Fielder. They aren't evil guys, but frat boy immature are the words that come to mind.

3. University of Texas- I can't help it, it comes with being a lifelong Hog's fan. Honorable mention in this spot to University of Tennessee for the same reason.

2. The New England Patriots- Tom Brady? An insufferable overrated prick. Bill Belichick, basically a man who makes a farce of the game with his willingness to break the rules. I absolutely LOVED it when the Patriots lost to the Giants in the superbowl. What was great about it is beforehand when Brady got upset at the Giants player who said they wouldn't score more than 21 points. Brady was like "come one, you have got to give us more credit than that." And of course they didn't meet the mark in which he considered a given. I was happy about that for a week.

1. New York Yankees- This is almost a cliche, but alas, its true for many in baseball. I hate the spending. I hate the pretentious we play the game better than you attitude. I hate the fans who call themselves the best fans in the game, but who flee the turnstiles with the speed of the Flash when the team has had losing seasons. I hate Arod and his corporate delivery of cliches and his complete lack of social skills with the press and his teammates. I hate just about every stinking thing about them. I root for them to lose every single game, and when they are in the playoffs I cheer for the other team to kick their ass no matter who they are. This year I kind of want them to make the World Series though, because I would sure the love the Cardinals to have a chance to beat them like a drum in their new ballpark.


  1. I think by listing them from least to most-hated you have listed them in a particular order.

    I have much more hatred for LSU and Alabama than Texas or Tennessee. Both are infected with the Nick Saban taint.

  2. Well, it was supposed be witty, I guess it fail :(
