Monday, September 21, 2009

Five best names in baseball history!

I like names and baseball has sure had some good ones. I am not talking nicknames here, this are the actual given names of these guys.

5. Johnny Dickshot- I can't imagine what the origination of this last name is but I certainly wouldn't want to grow up with it. To make matters worse this guys nickname was Ugly. Ugly Dickshot. What a terrible name.

4. Biff Pocoroba- Absolutely a great name.

3. Razor Shines- I love it when the Cardinals play the Mets just because I know that I will get to see Razor Shines send someone homes from third. Its really a great name.

2. Sixto Lezcano- If only this guy actually had six toes.

1. Rusty Peters- Seriously what was this guys mom thinking. That is just a bad idea.


  1. Don't forget Rusty Kuntz and Dick Poll

  2. Actually Kuntz almost made the list, i completely forgot about dick pole. Also dick ricketts almost made the list. that just sounds like a painful disease. Also on the list was Homer Smoot. Thats a good name without sounding like an STD.
